Sunday, February 22, 2009


** Winners have been notified. Since there were 2 equally awesome submissions from the e-shop owner's category, there are 2 winners for that particular category**

Thanks a lot for all the submissions babes! It was indeed a great experience going through them all. All who submitted will be notify later tonight

And here are the answers:

How well do you know the girl behind ASD
1. How old am I ? (simply because some people have cute theories about my age)

I am 21 this year

2. Books over shoes. True or false?

Totally true

3. What's my favourite colour? (I'm sure everyone knows this by now)


4. My favourite kinda outfit

Contrary to popular belief, it's tees and jeans :)

5. One phrase that appears in every post


Your sister in shopping

6. My favourite shop in the mall (need not be clothes *winks*)

The bookstore!

7. Guess why I'm doing this little competition

Feb14th, the start of this was my birthday. Thought I give you a little gift? :)

8. What you think of ASD and what improvements would you suggest?

No right answers for this one. All suggestions and feedback are welcomed

T'was fun! Should totally do something like this again. Tee-hee


Your sister in shopping

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