Sunday, February 15, 2009

SPOTTED: Shopaholix Bar

Ahh.. a simple yet mysterious shade of purple for your maxi dress there. After all, it's the person's personality that we're displaying here, no? *grins*

SPOTTED: Margarita Maiden

I went to church today and I saw all the girls we wearing striped cardis! Coincidence? Myself was wearing a striped long top too! And here they have more for you! Thin, medium or broad stripes? Take your pick!

SPOTTED: Do Not Bleach

Red shoes! Fancy that, huh? *grins* I think they look awesome, no? Especially with that pointy toe there. Dare you wear red heels? *winks* Tee-hee

SPOTTED: Soak Republic

Check out those spirals already babes! Woot! This is definitely something we hardly, my first time, seeing! *giggles* Oh, and do get your hands on them before they go poof!

Sugar Dressing

Fancy a Coach sling bag? With the black and white combo like that, it looks almost like cow prints, no? Tee-hee. I find it so cute! Woot!

SPOTTED: Kiss and Tell

Ahh... with all those heels in your shoe cupboard, your feet are asking for some flatties already, no? *grins* And here you have them! The glads flats!

SPOTTED: Daisy Deariesx

Toga with swirls? Now that's something totally different isn't it? Especially since most if not all the toga dresses we've seen so far are plain in colour!


Your sister in shopping

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