Saturday, October 11, 2008

SPOTTED: Sugar Dressing

Even the bags have gone all tri colour now, eh? What more with the mock croc skin they have there. Ooo.. does look gorgeous compared to the usual plain coloured ones, no? Tee-hee

SPOTTED: Branded Items Spree

While we had our fair shares of kimonos, so has Forever 21! Yes, now you can have your very own kimono from Forever 21 at a fab price! OMG, how cool is that?

SPOTTED: Melody Love Fashion

Leggings anyone? They have become like out second skin, no? Uber comfortable and versatile and they even come in all sorts of colours, can? *grin* Isnt that fab?

SPOTTED: Eye Candy

As if you can't get enough of hoodies already, they are here with more! Woot! now with can drinks plastered all over the hoodie to give it the edge, eh? Fab design!


She's back! And back with more yummy-licious goodies! Fancy a kimono inspired top? Well, this is exactly what she's giving to you babes! All brightly coloured printed as well! Woot!


Your sister in shopping

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